“Panic at Band Practice”

“Uh oh! Where is the next page?” is a question Cat asked himself during band practice. This story follows a student who realized way too late that one of the pages his band director asked to take out was missing. Thankfully, with the help of a fellow trumpet player, he was able to avoid the band director finding out.



“Catastrophe” is a 2D hand-drawn film created in TVPaint. The story follows a girl washing her dishes while keeping an eye on her cat, who’s interested in the cup of water left on the counter.


“Got Your Nose!”

This is a little story about when a mime steals a clown’s nose at a clown festival. For these boards, I used Forsyth Park in Savannah, GA, as my layouts. I was having trouble with them so I went out, took photos and then gray-scaled them for my boards.

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